Products Japanese Cuisine

Teriyaki is one of the traditional sauces of the Japanese cuisine. Since ancient times, it has been used to marinate meat, poultry or fish before cooking (frying, stewing, baking) and as a spicy addition ... Подробнее

An ergonomic bottle and an economy pack. The product is suitable for HoReCa and heavy users. It is a wonderful condiment for vegetable, poultry and meat dishes. It will give a fine aroma and a delicate taste to ... Подробнее

This sauce has a bright and diverse flavor which adds a rich oriental touch to any dish. Delicate aroma of fresh pineapple juice, ginger savor, garlic and onion create a unique flavor composition which perfectly ... Подробнее

Light soy sauce is perfect for connoisseurs of oriental cuisine. It is less salty as compared to conventional soy sauces and delicately brings out the natural taste of your favorite foods. This soy sauce will be ... Подробнее

Teriyaki is one of traditional Japanese sauces. Since long ago it has been used for marinating meat, poultry or fish before cooking (frying, braising or roasting) and as a piquant condiment for cooked dishes. Sen ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Premium soy sauce has a longer ageing period as compared to conventional soy sauces. So it has a richer consistency and unique savors. That is the sauce which is the best to go with delicacy seafood ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Premium “Classic Soy Sauce” is produced using the natural fermentation method and has a longer ageing period as compared to conventional soy sauces. So it has a richer consistency and a unique flavor ... Подробнее

Teriyaki is one of traditional Japanese sauces. Since long ago it has been used for marinating meat, poultry or fish before cooking (frying, braising or roasting) and as a piquant condiment for cooked ... Подробнее

Сэн Сой Премиум представляет новинку – японский маринад Якинику. Японские маринады – это особая категория соусов. Во время приготовления блюда соус используется трижды. Сначала мясо, морепродукты или овощи ... Подробнее

Teriyaki with sesame seeds is a seasoning sauce and a spicy addition to any ready-made dish. It is universal in use and perfectly matches meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables. By seasoning the roast meat or salad ... Подробнее

Соевый соус Сэн Сой Премиум «Тёмный» готовится методом естественного брожения и подвергается самой длительной выдержке по сравнению с другими соевыми соусами линейки Sen Soy. Имеет тягучую консистенцию и яркий ... Подробнее

Соевый соус SUSHI&SASHIMI – соус для самой популярной традиционной линейки блюд японской кухни: суши, роллов и сашими. Производится методом натурального брожения. Соус отлично оттеняет японские блюда, не перебивая ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Premium presents a novelty for Japanese food lovers – Sushi Set. It includes the main products and accessories for making and serving sushi:
1. Sushi rice (special Koshihikari and ... Подробнее

Nori is a specific seaweed with wide dense leaves which Japanese cooks use to make rolls – they wrap pieces of fish with some rice, vegetables, etc. in them. Nori is harvested a few times. The first ... Подробнее
Sushi Nori Package 5 listov _ 14 gr

Nori is a specific seaweed with wide dense leaves which Japanese cooks use to make rolls – they wrap pieces of fish with some rice, vegetables, etc. in them. Nori is harvested a few times. The first ... Подробнее
Sushi Nori Package 10 listov _ 28 gr

Rice is probably the most important product of Japanese cuisine and is often the main ingredient of Japanese dishes among which various sushi and rolls are, of course, the most popular. Not any type of rice is ... Подробнее

Rice is probably the most important product of Japanese cuisine and is often the main ingredient of Japanese dishes among which various sushi and rolls are, of course, the most popular. Not any type of rice is ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Premium Original soy sauce, 150ml, is produced using the natural fermentation method and has a longer ageing period as compared to conventional soy sauces. So it has a richer consistency and unique ... Подробнее

It is a helpful product for those who are meticulous about their health and want to reduce their daily consumption of salt. It can be added to vegetable salads, used when cooking fried rice or soups, marinating ... Подробнее

Pickled ginger is an indispensible attribute of sushi. Its piquant flavor accentuates the inimitable taste of sushi and rolls while attenuating the strong taste and smell of fish. This refined condiment is made ... Подробнее

Pickled ginger is an indispensible attribute of sushi. Its piquant flavor accentuates the inimitable taste of sushi and rolls while attenuating the strong taste and smell of fish. This refined condiment is made ... Подробнее

Pickled ginger is an indispensible attribute of sushi. Its piquant flavor accentuates the inimitable taste of sushi and rolls while attenuating the strong taste and smell of fish. This refined condiment is made ... Подробнее

GREEN “Professional Form” bamboo mat by Sen Soy Premium is an indispensable tool for making Japanese rolls. It is made of bamboo outer layer and has two sides: a smooth one for making round-shaped ... Подробнее
«Professional form»

Makisu, a bamboo mat, bound with a cotton thread serves as a specific tool for making sushi rolls as well as an element of table setting.
Sen Soy Premium offers authentic bamboo mats to sushi lovers ... Подробнее
for sushi and rolls 24х24

Sen Soy Premium presents authentic Japanese chopsticks. Pieces of sushi are pressed between chopsticks, dipped in sauce and put into the mouth. True sushi lovers will duly appreciate the convenient eco-friendly ... Подробнее

Wasabi is a special sort of horseradish. Adding wasabi allows eating raw fish without any worries. Wasabi disinfects it while stimulating production of digestive enzymes.
This traditional condiment is an ... Подробнее

In Japan special attention is given to wasabi as it adds a remarkable pungency to Japanese cuisine which is otherwise somewhat bland. Adding wasabi allows eating raw fish without any worries. Wasabi disinfects ... Подробнее

Sause has a pleasant mild poignant taste. You can easily make popular spicy sushi with it. This sauce is also an excellent complement to meat, poultry and vegetable dishes. Подробнее

Japanese Egg Noodles go well with poultry, beef, seafood or any vegetables. They are often added to soups and different broths. They can be boiled or deep fried and make a superb base for complicated dishes such ... Подробнее
EGG NOODLES Package 300 g

Big, thick and flat noodles Udon is very delicious in miso soup as well as when fried as a side dish for sashimi and other seafood dishes. It can be served either cold or hot. The Japanese believe that these ... Подробнее
UDON Package 300 g

Soba Japanese noodles are made of buckwheat flour which accounts for its brownish color and specific mild savor. These noodles are very good in different Japanese meat and poultry soups and cold vegetable or meat ... Подробнее
SOBA Package 300 g

Somen wheat noodles, long, very straight and thin, resembles stretched and hardened white threads. It is usually served hot, boiled, stewed or panfried with oil and soy sauce. It is used as a side dish with ... Подробнее
SOMEN Package 300 g

Rice Vermicelli is a classic Japanese pasta. It is white and translucent, has a delicate flavor and is the best to go with seafood. The vermicelli is good in various salads and soups and as a complement to meat ... Подробнее

Funchoza vermicelli in Japanese sauce made of miso paste and seaweed is the fastest way to make an exquisite Japanese meal. The dish is based on one of the most famous oriental products – Funchoza bean ... Подробнее

SWEET TERIYAKI sauce for frying is a rich thick sauce for making authentic Japanese dishes of meat, vegetables or seafood. Soy sauce, red wine and spices give a specific flavor, slight sweetness and piquancy to ... Подробнее

TERIYAKI sauce for marinating is a real catch for barbecue and grill lovers. Thick Japanese marinade makes meat nice-smelling and juicy inside. A perfect balance of components allows marinating meat within 30 ... Подробнее

Unagi sauce is traditional for the Japanese cuisine.
Unagi has a rather thick texture and a sweet and salty taste with smoked notes. It is traditionally used to cook eel, and also perfectly complements other ... Подробнее

The Japanese-style WOK set TERIYAKI with Udon noodles and Teriyaki sauce will help you cook the most popular of the dishes prepared on a WOK — Teriyaki, whose sonorous name comes from the verbs “fry” ... Подробнее

With the help of Soba noodles and Yakisoba sauce in a Japanese-style WOK set YAKISOBA you can cook a traditional dish having the same name. It is phenomenally popular in Japan, where each prefecture has its own ... Подробнее

Nut dressing is a delicate spicy sauce for making different salads. It is ideal for salads with fresh vegetables and greens and gives them a distinctive piquant flavor. It can also be served with Chuka seaweed ... Подробнее

Ginger dressing is a peculiar sauce for light vegetable salads. Fresh ginger has a subtle pungent exotic aroma and a spicy taste. It transforms the taste of customary foodstuffs and gives an inimitable exotic ... Подробнее

Citrus dressing is a light salad sauce having a nice golden shade which will invigorate any salad but is especially good for fresh salads with plenty of vegetables and greens. The mild sourness of lemon and orange ... Подробнее

Teriyaki is a Japanese dressing sauce which is made based on soy sauce with some pineapple, fresh ginger, garlic and other spices.
Meat, seafood, vegetables and even fruit can be marinated in this sauce and ... Подробнее

Yakitori is a traditional Japanese sauce for chicken dishes. The same word “Yakitori” (translated as “fried chicken”) is used to denote both the cooking methods and dishes made using it. Meat is ... Подробнее

Традиционный японский соус для одноимённого блюда – свиной котлете Тонкацу. Также нашёл широкое применение в кухне fusion food. Богатый вкус и аромат, пряности специй и трав в сочетании с фруктовой ... Подробнее

Соус на основе соевого соуса, обогащенный смесью приправ и специй. Блюда, приготовленные с соусом Sen Soy «Для рыбы и морепродуктов» имеют приятный по вкусу и аромату деликатный карамелизированный слой, придающий ... Подробнее

In spite of the word “soba” in the name of the dish, which means “buckwheat noodles”, yakisoba is a dish made of wheat noodles with a special sauce. In fact, making yakisoba mainly means making the ... Подробнее
Yakisoba Package 80 gr.

TERIYAKI WOK SAUCE WITH SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS FOR FRIED VEGETABLES by Sen Soy Premium is a great addition to your favorite side dish. It is perfect for frying in a WOK pan. Thanks to this sauce, even a vegetarian ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Marinade soy sauce is perfect for marinating meat, fish or poultry before cooking: frying, braising or roasting. Due to unique properties of soy sauce Sen Soy Marinade makes any meat so tender that it just ... Подробнее

“Yakiniku” means “grilled meat” in Japanese. It is similar to Russian shashlik or European barbecue when meat is first marinated and then broiled. The word “yakiniku” refers to both the sauce and ... Подробнее

Miso soup is a Japanese dish which is an integral component of any meal: breakfast, lunch or supper, both on weekdays and holidays. Miso soup contains the most wholesome products in their most natural and ... Подробнее
MISO Metallized package 80 gr

Miso soup is the most popular Japanese dish. It is a light but very nourishing soup. There are numerous ways to cook this Japanese soup. You can use meat, poultry, seafood or different vegetables and greens ... Подробнее
MISO Cardboard box 160 gr

Tempura is special battering flour for deep frying. In Japanese cuisine this flour is used to make batter in which seafood is fried such as squids, shrimps and fish as well as various vegetables. It can also be ... Подробнее

Tempura is a popular Japanese dish made of battered and deep fried seafood. Ebi Tempura made of fresh shrimps is the most famous of them. The main component of Tempura is batter which can be made in two ways: ... Подробнее

Sen Soy Premium presents a novelty –Yakiniku, a Japanese marinade.
Japanese marinades are a special type of sauces. The sauce is used three times when cooking a dish. First, meat, seafood or ... Подробнее

Линейка популярных видов японской лапши от SEN SOY PREMIUM готовится из особенно качественных ингредиентов с соблюдением древних традиций, поэтому она весьма питательна и полезна для здоровья.
Японская лапша Soba ... Подробнее

Линейка популярных видов японской лапши от SEN SOY PREMIUM готовится из особенно качественных ингредиентов с соблюдением древних традиций, поэтому она весьма питательна и полезна для здоровья.
Крупная, толстая и ... Подробнее

Линейка популярных видов японской лапши от Sen Soy Premium готовится из особенно качественных ингредиентов с соблюдением древних традиций, поэтому она весьма питательна и полезна для здоровья.
Японская яичная ... Подробнее