The Expert in Asian Cuisine


Since 2002, the TC SOSTRA has been actively trading in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Hungary.

The sauce is produced at a plant in Moscow, which is fitted with modern high-performance Italian and German equipment with strict compliance with BRC Global Standard for Food Safety - an international food safety standard. The production capacity exceeds 100,000 tons of finished product per year.

Soy sauce recipes have been developed in full accordance with ancient oriental traditions. It is based on the method of natural fermentation, which allows to preserve all the valuable properties of soy protein to the maximum and get a healthy and unique sauce, which has determined the taste and flavor of oriental cuisine for several millennia.

The expansion of the brand to European countries is provided by an official representative - Flavor Hub- based in Poland.

Thanks to this cooperation, SOSTRA has optimized logistics solutions for the distribution of 300 sku to European countries without further increasing the price of the product. For 2 years of work, deliveries to large networks such as Carrefour, Mokpol, E.electric, Gildin, K&M, Delikatesy, Centrum, ABC, Lewiatan, etc. have been established. In 2021, the company intends to expand representation in the Netherlands, Austria and Slovenia, as well as continues to work actively in the house brand business.

Our company is open to cooperation with suppliers of materials, equipment and spare parts used for own production but due to a great number of partnership offers we can now consider only offers of mutually advantageous cooperation from new serious partners solely upon availability of references from our company’s current suppliers or other market players. Only if you have their support you have an opportunity to enter into negotiations on supplies with us! Please, send your offers and references to the e-mail address marked “to supply department.



22.02.2017 Поздравляем с 23 февраля!

Примите самые искренние поздравления с Днем защитника Отечества!

13.02.2017 Выставка “PRODEXPO-2017”

Группа компаний «СОСТРА» ежегодно участвует в крупных продовольственных выставках. И в этом году, в период с 6 по 10 февраля, мы были рады встречам с друзьями и партнёрами, новым знакомствам и полезным контактам на 24-ой международной выставке «Продэ...

27.01.2017 С Новым годом Огненного Петуха!

Поздравляем Вас с наступающим Новым годом Огненного Петуха!

09.01.2017 Итоги уходящего года

«СОСТРА» рада поделиться с Вами удачным окончанием года.

14.12.2016 СОСТРА в федеральных СМИ

На производство «СОСТРА» часто приезжают наши партнёры, телевидение и шеф-повара известных ресторанов азиатской кухни.

24.11.2015 New: Sauce BEST of ASIA

The company presents a NOVELTY – BEST of ASIA collection of sauces for making popular Asian dishes.

02.09.2015 World Food - 2015

We invite you to visit our stand at the annual World Food - 2015 exhibition.

01.09.2015 New: syrups PAPRICHI

We present a sweet novelty under PAPRICHI trademark – specialty syrups.

04.08.2015 New: Korean dressing for aubergines and chicken “KHE”

Sen Soy Premium is happy to present new tastes of special dressings for Korean salads.

21.07.2015 New: Wasabi Horseradish Sause 100 gr

Sen Soy Premium presents a novelty  – Wasabi Horseradish Sause with a pleasant mild poignant taste.

16.06.2015 New: PAPRICHI marinades

Cook easily outside with pleasure

16.06.2015 New: Hot Chili Sauces

Actual and popular offer on the market of sauces.

16.06.2015 Attention! New design

New Sen Soy label design.

13.04.2015 23rd International Exhibition of Food and Beverage World Food Moscow-2014

Dear partners! SOSTRA Company is pleased to inform you of its participation in the 23rd International Food and Beverage Exhibition World Food Moscow-2014.

12.04.2015 New: Asian seasonings on the table «HOME COLLECTION» 150 ml

Sen Soy Premium offers a series of traditional Asian condiments – “Home Collection”.

11.04.2015 Gluten free noodles

Unlike wheat noodles, bean and rice noodles do not contain allergenic gluten and are recommended as part of a gluten-free diet.

10.04.2015 We open the barbecue season

Time has come to go to the country and spend time outdoors. To celebrate the event we have prepared recipes of marinades based on soy sauce. These marinades are very popular in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand.

28.03.2015 Lent
26.03.2015 New: MARINATING SAUCES for Asian meat 80gr

Sen Soy Premium presents another novelty: MARINATING SAUCES for making world-famous Korean, Japanese and Chinese dishes!

25.03.2015 New: Asian Soup Bases 80gr

Sen Soy Premium is in permanent search of unique Asian foodstuffs. This time we have decided to refer to one of the most popular food categories in Asia – SOUPS. In oriental cuisine a meal is hardly possible without a soup. It is served almost ...


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