The Expert in Asian Cuisine

Dressings and sauces for salad

For salads the company offers interesting recipe dressings and sauces for exotic Asian and popular European salads. Some dry Asian ingredients for salads and ready-made sets have been added to the section. Dry ingredients are widely used. They can also be added to soups and second courses.  

For salads the company offers interesting recipe dressings and sauces for exotic Asian and popular European salads. Some dry Asian ingredients for salads and ready-made sets have been added to the section. Dry ingredients are widely used. They can also be added to soups and second courses.
Nut dressing is a delicate spicy sauce for making different salads. It is ideal for salads with fresh vegetables and greens and gives them a distinctive piquant flavor. It can also be served with Chuka seaweed ... Read more
Nut dressing Metallized package 40 gr
Ginger dressing is a peculiar sauce for light vegetable salads. Fresh ginger has a subtle pungent exotic aroma and a spicy taste. It transforms the taste of customary foodstuffs and gives an inimitable exotic ... Read more
Ginger dressing Metallized package 40 gr
Citrus dressing is a light salad sauce having a nice golden shade which will invigorate any salad but is especially good for fresh salads with plenty of vegetables and greens. The mild sourness of lemon and orange ... Read more
Citrus dressing Metallized package 40 gr
Korean carrot, or morkovcha, is a dish invented by Koreans living in Russia who simplified traditional Korean food. If you remove expensive meat and fish from old recipes, leaving the most affordable ... Read more
Dressing for Korean carrot Metallized package 80 gr
Funchoza is one of the most popular Korean dishes. It is both a festive treat and an everyday meal. Cooking Funchoza requires great skills. You have to have sufficient patience and experience to ... Read more
Dressing for Korean Funchoza Metallized package 80 gr
«KHE» or «KHVE» is a popular Korean traditional salad. Its main ingredient is thinly sliced fish, poultry, meat or seafood. We would like to draw your attention to chicken Khe. It is rather a nourishing dish with ... Read more
Dressing for chicken Khe Metallized package 80 gr
Pickled tofu skin (fuzhu) is one of the most popular Korean salads. Its classic dressing has intense spicy and pungent taste which is composed from a whole bunch of herbs and spices. It is essential to mix them ... Read more
Dressing for Korean-style tofu skin Metallized package 80 gr
Dressing for eggplants and mushrooms Read more
Dressing for eggplants and mushrooms Metallized package 80 gr
Korean cabbage is a dish which is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. The matter is that it is not enough just to add some salt and pepper to carefully shredded white cabbage. You also have to use a ... Read more
Dressing for Korean cabbage Metallized package 80 gr
Popular Korean salads can be found at markets and supermarkets and now you can also make your favorite salads quickly at home. Korean Funchoza Salad set by Sen Soy Premium includes Funchoza vermicelli, a ... Read more
Funchoza salad set
Fish sauce is one of the most popular sauces in Asia. It is widely used in Vietnamese and Thai cuisines just like soy sauce in China and Japan. This universal condiment is a complete replacement of salt and due ... Read more
Fish sauce Glass bottle 220 ml
Red rice vinegar can be added to exotic Japanese and Chinese soups and side dishes. Red vinegar is made of brown rice by means of long natural fermentation which allows preserving all highly wholesome properties ... Read more
Red rice vinegar for salad Glass bottle 220 ml
Cheese Dressing for world famous Caesar salad is an example of Italian cuisine. The salad was invented by Caesar Cardini, an Italian chef. Its main secret is the special dressing sauce which gives an ... Read more
Cheese Dressing for Caesar salad Metallized package 40 gr
Piquant Cream Dressing is a classic American sauce which is used for world famous Thousand Islands salad. Tomato paste, pickled cucumbers, pineapple and orange juices, sweet pepper and flavorous herbs make ... Read more
Piquant Cream Dressing for Thousand Islands salad Metallized package 40 gr
Olive and Herb Dressing is an example of Italian cuisine. The recipe of the dressing was created based on the best traditions of Italian culinary school. The dressing contains wine vinegar, lemon juice and ... Read more
Olive and Herb Dressing for Italian salad Metallized package 40 gr

Hot Chili sauces

Popular Thai, Japanese and Caucasian sauces are presented in the section. The sauces are distinguished by their high quality, interesting recipes and attractive price. The sauces are versatile, so, apart from dipping, they can be used for cooking (frying, marinating). Pungent sauces will catch fancy of those who like poignant food. 

Popular Thai, Japanese and Caucasian sauces are presented in the section. The sauces are distinguished by their high quality, interesting recipes and attractive price. The sauces are versatile, so, apart from dipping, they can be used for cooking (frying, marinating). Pungent sauces will catch fancy of those who like poignant food.
Hot Sriracha Chili Sauce is a leader in Thai, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine, an excellent component for broiled dishes (barbecue) and French fries, for frying tofu, chicken wings or seafood. Pungent Sriracha ... Read more
Sriracha Chili Sauce
Sriracha hot chili sauce is a favorite product in Thai, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine, an excellent component for dishes cooked on fire (barbecue) and French fries, for frying tofu, chicken wings, seafood ... Read more
Sriracha Chili Sauce PET Bottle 310 g
Hot Sriracha Chili Sauce is a leader in Thai, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine, an excellent component for broiled dishes (barbecue) and French fries, for frying tofu, chicken wings or seafood. Pungent Sriracha ... Read more
Sriracha Chili Sauce
Sriracha Chili
Glass bottle 320 gr.
Острый чили соус Sriracha («Чили Шрирача») – фаворит тайской, вьетнамской и мексиканской кухни, отличный компонент для блюд, приготовленных на огне (барбекю) и картофеля фри, для обжарки сыра тофу ... Read more
Соус Sriracha Chili Sauce (Чили Шрирача)
Hot Sriracha Chili Sauce is a leader in Thai, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine, an excellent component for broiled dishes (barbecue) and French fries, for frying tofu, chicken wings or seafood. Pungent Sriracha ... Read more
Sriracha Chili Sauce with garlic
Sriracha Chili with garlic
Sweet CHILI Sauce by Sen Soy Premium is a rich mixture of tomatoes and sweet paprika with spicy ginger savor. The sauce gives a light exotic aroma to meat, poultry and fish. It can be used for dipping or added ... Read more
Sweet Chili Sauce
Sweet Chili
Glass bottle 320 g
Sen Soy Premium Chili Mango Sauce provides an accord of pungency and distinct fruity sweetness. It is a perfect dressing for unrivaled Thai salads with poultry and fruit. Chili Mango Sauce makes even simple ... Read more
Chili Mango Sauce
Chili Mango
Glass bottle 320 g
Sweet and sour pineapple and hot chili make the unique flavor of Sen Soy Premium Thai Chili Pineapple Sauce which goes perfectly with quite different foods from salmon to sweet fruits. In Thailand this ... Read more
Chili Pineapple Sauce
Chili Pineapple
Glass bottle 320 g
In Sen Soy Premium Chili Sweet Sauce extreme sweet and pungent tastes are ideally balanced. Skillful Thai cooks combine the sauce with seafood, poultry or even fruit (for example, papaya). Chili Sweet ... Read more
Chili Sweet Sauce
Chili Sweet
PET Bottle 235 gr
Hot CHILI Sauce by Sen Soy Premium has an intense taste of juicy tomatoes and hot pepper. The sauce is used for dipping or added when marinating meat; it gives pleasant pungency to the dish and emphasizes the ... Read more
Hot Chili Sauce
Hot Chili
PET Bottle 235 gr
Прекрасно подходит для мяса и птицы. Мягкий пряный вкус с выраженными фруктовыми нотками, в сочетании с нежной мякотью обжаренного мяса, создает неповторимо яркую вкусовую композицию. С этим соусом можно из самых ... Read more
Соус Кисло-сладкий PET Bottle 235 gr

Cooking sauces

The most popular Asian sauces which have gained popularity in the whole world are presented in the section. A pack of ready-to-use sauce is rated for 4 portions. The sauces allow cooking restaurant-grade exotic dishes in just a few minutes. The recipes of the sauces are made in compliance with traditions of Japanese, Chinese and Thai cuisines and comprise pure fruit ... 

The most popular Asian sauces which have gained popularity in the whole world are presented in the section. A pack of ready-to-use sauce is rated for 4 portions. The sauces allow cooking restaurant-grade exotic dishes in just a few minutes. The recipes of the sauces are made in compliance with traditions of Japanese, Chinese and Thai cuisines and comprise pure fruit, vegetables and spices.
Teriyaki is a Japanese dressing sauce which is made based on soy sauce with some pineapple, fresh ginger, garlic and other spices. Meat, seafood, vegetables and even fruit can be marinated in this sauce and ... Read more
Teriyaki sauce Package 120 gr.
Yakitori is a traditional Japanese sauce for chicken dishes. The same word “Yakitori” (translated as “fried chicken”) is used to denote both the cooking methods and dishes made using it. Meat is ... Read more
Yakitori sauce Package 120 gr.
Sweet & Sour Sauce is perfect for fast recipes with poultry and meat. Mild spiciness with distinct fruit savors in combination with tender fried meat creates a unique flavor composition. The sauce allows ... Read more
Sweet & Sour Sauce Package 120 gr.
Curry Sauce is one of the most famous oriental sauces and an indispensable component of curry which is, perhaps, the most popular Indian dish. But for admirers of Indian cuisine curry is a whole palette of ... Read more
Curry Sauce Package 120 gr.
Black Pepper Sauce is one of the most popular Chinese sauces. Oyster extract forms the core of its flavor profile. This sauce is very good for cooking bacon and beef. This sauce can be added when cooking chicken ... Read more
Black Pepper Sauce Package 120 gr.
Традиционный японский соус для одноимённого блюда – свиной котлете Тонкацу. Также нашёл широкое применение в кухне fusion food. Богатый вкус  и аромат, пряности специй и трав в сочетании с фруктовой ... Read more
Тонкацу соус для макания Glass bottle 350 g
Кимчи – самый популярный соус Корейской кухни. Это уникальная по своим качествам приправа - баланс остроты и пикантности придёт готовым блюдам аутентичный Азиатский вкус и делает привычный рацион разнообразным ... Read more
Кимчи соус для маринования и макания Metallized package 310 gr.
Соус на основе соевого соуса, обогащенный смесью приправ и специй. Блюда, приготовленные с соусом Sen Soy «Для рыбы и морепродуктов» имеют приятный по вкусу и аромату деликатный карамелизированный слой, придающий ... Read more
Соус для рыбы и морепродуктов Metallized package 120 gr.
Hoisin sauce is one of the most refined Asian sauces for meat. It is especially popular in Thailand, Korea and China. The combination of soy sauce, flower honey, garlic and ginger make meat inimitably tender and ... Read more
Hoisin Sauce Package 120 gr.
Соус KOREAN BBQ от SEN SOY PREMIUM – корейский острый соус для приготовления. Чаще всего его используют в качестве маринада-пасты к мясу, курице или овощам. Острый, жгуче-пряный на вкус, соус ... Read more
Korean BBQ Metallized package 120 gr.

WOK sauces

The secret of popularity of each Asian dish lies in a special sauce which is added when cooking. The history of sauces is associated with the centuries-long development of the art of cooking in each country. Without sauces vegetables and noodles cannot reveal and retain the flavor of a cooked dish. SOSTRA offers unique sauces for frying noodles which will be liked by ... 

The secret of popularity of each Asian dish lies in a special sauce which is added when cooking. The history of sauces is associated with the centuries-long development of the art of cooking in each country. Without sauces vegetables and noodles cannot reveal and retain the flavor of a cooked dish. SOSTRA offers unique sauces for frying noodles which will be liked by both housewives and professional chefs. The products are created in accordance with the main principle of the modern society: QUICK & EASY (cooking fast, simple and delicious food).
In spite of the word “soba” in the name of the dish, which means “buckwheat noodles”, yakisoba is a dish made of wheat noodles with a special sauce. In fact, making yakisoba mainly means making the ... Read more
Yakisoba sauce
Package 80 gr.
One of the most popular Thai dishes is Pad Thai – rice noodles fried or steamed with different vegetables, nuts, seafood, etc. There are numerous variations of the dish. But its main feature is its superb ... Read more
Pad Thai Sauce Package 80 gr.
Chapche is a Korean festive dish made of bean noodles with vegetables in a special spicy sauce. The sauce name is also “Chapche”. Each Korean housekeeper has her own secrets of making chapche but it ... Read more
Chapche sauce
Package 80 gr.
SWEET AND SOUR WOK SAUCE WITH SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS FOR FRIED RICE by Sen Soy Premium is a great addition to your favorite side dish. Its bright, pronounced taste and exotic aroma will add an Asian accent to simple ... Read more
WOK sauce for rice Metallized package 80 gr
TERIYAKI WOK SAUCE WITH SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS FOR FRIED VEGETABLES by Sen Soy Premium is a great addition to your favorite side dish. It is perfect for frying in a WOK pan. Thanks to this sauce, even a vegetarian ... Read more
WOK sauce for frying vegetables Metallized package 80 gr


Various marinades for cooking Asian, Caucasian and European dishes are presented in this section. Specialty marinades have unique recipes with natural ingredients (vegetables, fruit and spices) which allow reducing the time of cooking. Marinades have different packages depending on the customers’ needs, place and manner of cooking: home cooking in the oven, frying ... 

Various marinades for cooking Asian, Caucasian and European dishes are presented in this section. Specialty marinades have unique recipes with natural ingredients (vegetables, fruit and spices) which allow reducing the time of cooking. Marinades have different packages depending on the customers’ needs, place and manner of cooking: home cooking in the oven, frying pan or broiling outdoors. 
Teriyaki is one of traditional Japanese sauces. Since long ago it has been used for marinating meat, poultry or fish before cooking (frying, braising or roasting) and as a piquant condiment for cooked dishes. Sen ... Read more
Teriyaki soy sauce PET Bottle 1 l
Sen Soy Premium presents a novelty –Yakiniku, a Japanese marinade. Japanese marinades are a special type of sauces. The sauce is used three times when cooking a dish. First, meat, seafood or ... Read more
Yakiniku marinade sauce PET Bottle 0,5 l
Shashlik Marinade is a result of century-long traditions of Caucasian cuisine and current experience of world’s leading chefs. That is why the composition of the marinade is distinguished by a variety of ... Read more
Shashlik Marinade PET Bottle 400 gr
Marinade for Chicken is a favorite product for broiling chicken at home. The recipe of the marinade is based on traditions of modern French cooking school: an exquisite combination of herbs, wine and Dijon mustard ... Read more
Marinade for Chicken PET Bottle 380 gr
Universal Marinade is a simple and handy solution for broiling, grilling or cooking at home. Universal Marinade is a rich mixture of ingredients with fruit and honey savors, a slight savor of roasted sesame and a ... Read more
Universal Marinade PET Bottle 400 gr
Marinade for Grilling is a real catch for barbecue and grill lovers. The marinade makes meat more flavorous and juicy inside while outside each piece is covered with caramelized fried crisp thanks to natural fruit ... Read more
Marinade for Grilling PET Bottle 420 gr
Sen Soy Marinade soy sauce is perfect for marinating meat, fish or poultry before cooking: frying, braising or roasting. Due to unique properties of soy sauce Sen Soy Marinade makes any meat so tender that it just ... Read more
Marinade soy sauce PET Bottle 0,5 l
“Yakiniku” means “grilled meat” in Japanese. It is similar to Russian shashlik or European barbecue when meat is first marinated and then broiled. The word “yakiniku” refers to both the sauce and ... Read more
Marinade sauce YAKINIKU Metallized package 80 gr
Kalbi is a popular Korean barbecue, broiled ribs. Meat is soaked in marinade with soy sauce, sesame and pear juice. The savor of garlic and the sweetness of flower honey allow you to obtain meat with an incredible ... Read more
Sauce for marinating Kalbi Metallized package 80 gr

Everything for soups

Soup is the quintessence of a national cuisine which embodies all food preferences of the nation. Authentic recipes of special soups (bases/ pastes) are in full compliance with traditions of Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai cooking schools. Our specialty bases/pastes allow you to make restaurant-grade Asian soups quickly and easily even if you do not have any ... 

Soup is the quintessence of a national cuisine which embodies all food preferences of the nation. Authentic recipes of special soups (bases/ pastes) are in full compliance with traditions of Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai cooking schools. Our specialty bases/pastes allow you to make restaurant-grade Asian soups quickly and easily even if you do not have any special skills. Step-by-step recipe is provided on the reverse of the pack. Miso and Kimchi pastes are traditionally used for frying, braising or stewing meat or vegetables. For those who like Japanese miso soup, the company offers a ready-to-use set for the classic miso soup recipe. 
Tom Yгm soup becomes a pleasant revelation for everybody who gets acquainted with Thai cuisine. Flavorous pungent, sweet and sour soup with shrimps and mushrooms is served in Thai restaurants and bars, cooked ... Read more
Soup base
Package 80 g
Pho soup is probably one of the most favorite traditional dishes in Vietnam. It is served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. A bowl of properly cooked Pho does not only vitalize and energize for a whole day. It ... Read more
Soup base
Metallized package 80 gr
Miso soup is a Japanese dish which is an integral component of any meal: breakfast, lunch or supper, both on weekdays and holidays. Miso soup contains the most wholesome products in their most natural and ... Read more
Soup base
Metallized package 80 gr
Miso soup is the most popular Japanese dish. It is a light but very nourishing soup. There are numerous ways to cook this Japanese soup. You can use meat, poultry, seafood or different vegetables and greens ... Read more
Miso soup recipe set
Cardboard box 160 gr
Coconut milk is obtained by means of dissolving some ground coconut meat in water. Delicate sweetish milk with a bright coconut flavor can be added to tea or coffee or used instead of normal milk. Coconut ... Read more
Coconut milk Can 400 ml
Суп Том Ка – это восхитительное открытие тайских кулинаров и один из самых популярных супов в мире. Суп Том Ка может быть острым и мягким на вкус: тайцы едят жгучий, обжигающий, туристам предлагают менее острый ... Read more
Основа для супа Том Ка Metallized package 80 gr.

Tomato and mayonnaise sauces

SOSTRA does not only produce natural soy sauce. We are also one of the leading producers of tomato and mayonnaise sauces. “PAPRICHI” collection includes sauces of Italian, American, French, Russian, Georgian, Chinese and Thai cuisines both for everyday use at home and those in sachets which are handy when you are at work, at a picnic or travelling. These ... 

SOSTRA does not only produce natural soy sauce. We are also one of the leading producers of tomato and mayonnaise sauces. “PAPRICHI” collection includes sauces of Italian, American, French, Russian, Georgian, Chinese and Thai cuisines both for everyday use at home and those in sachets which are handy when you are at work, at a picnic or travelling. These simple but palatable sauces in soft package are presented under “Cook’s Palette” trademark. Their soft package and flow control allow applying accurate strokes to your canapés, sandwiches and of course, salads. Sen Soy Premium brand is represented by two different sauces based on Japanese wasabi which will perfectly enhance and diversify your habitual diet. 
Sauce for Spaghetti is an example of Italian cuisine. A good choice for Italian food lovers, especially those who like pasta. Ready-to-use Sauce for Spaghetti is a perfect complement to any pasta: fettuccini ... Read more
Sauce for spaghetti Glass bottle 320 g
Sauce for Barbecue is an example of American cuisine. Sauce for Barbecue is a truly unique sauce which contains a perfect blend of components which improve the taste of grilled food and disguise all defects. The ... Read more
Sauce for barbecue Glass bottle 320 g
Shashlik Sauce is an example of Georgian national cuisine. The sauce has been created in accordance with Georgian cooking traditions and Russian consumers’ preferences: tomato base and a mixture of spices, hot ... Read more
Shashlik sauce Glass bottle 320 gr
Sweet and Sour Sauce is a classic example of Chinese cuisine, This combination of flavors is a distinctive feature of the cuisine of the Celestial Empire. This flavor makes dishes special and enraptures your taste ... Read more
Sweet and sour sauce Glass bottle 320 g
Sweet and Pungent Sauce is an example of Chinese cuisine. It is the best choice for those who like the poignancy of Asian cuisine. The best natural ingredients are used for the sauce: fresh ginger, hot chili ... Read more
Sweet and pungent sauce Glass bottle 320 g
Sauce with Pineapples is an example of Thai cuisine. Thai cooks are culinary experimentalists and great experts: they like introducing some interesting items from neighboring countries’ cuisines to their own ... Read more
Sauce with pineapples Glass bottle 300 g
Кисло-сладкий соус сегодня знают и любят во всем мире. Классический кисло-сладкий соус способен украсить любое блюдо, сделать его более аппетитным, а вкус блюда – особенным. Сочетание двух вкусов – кислого и ... Read more
Соус "Кисло-сладкий" PET Bottle 235 gr
Соус «Кисло-сладкий» - классический образец китайской кухни. Такое сочетание кусов является отличительной особенностью кухни «Поднебесной». Этот вкус делает блюда особенными и приводят в восторг вкусовые рецепторы ... Read more
Соус «Кисло-сладкий» PET Bottle 1 kg
Sause has a pleasant mild poignant taste. You can easily make popular spicy sushi with it. This sauce is also an excellent complement to meat, poultry and vegetable dishes.  Read more
Wasabi Horseradish Sause Glass jar 100 gr


Specialty syrups reproduce the exceptional flavor of ripe juicy fruit: strawberries, cherries and lemons. Specialty syrups are rather rich so they are suitable not only for making refreshment beverages. PAPRICHI syrups can be added to tea or weak coffee. Specialty syrups can also be used as ice cream topping. Syrups can be added to pastry (croissants or cakes) when it is ... 

Specialty syrups reproduce the exceptional flavor of ripe juicy fruit: strawberries, cherries and lemons. Specialty syrups are rather rich so they are suitable not only for making refreshment beverages. PAPRICHI syrups can be added to tea or weak coffee. Specialty syrups can also be used as ice cream topping. Syrups can be added to pastry (croissants or cakes) when it is ready or dough. Fruit jelly can be made.
Flavorous PAPRICH Raspberry Syrup will help you create unforgettable, delicious and outstanding drinks for your whole family quickly and easily: refreshing cocktails, hot fruit teas and shakes. If you like cooking ... Read more
Raspberry Syrup PET Bottle 330 ml
Flavorous PAPRICHI Lemon Syrup will help you create unforgettable, delicious and outstanding drinks for your whole family quickly and easily: refreshing cocktails, hot fruit teas and shakes. The syrup can be added ... Read more
Lemon Syrup PET Bottle 330 ml
Flavorous PAPRICHI Strawberry Syrup will help you create unforgettable, delicious and outstanding drinks for your whole family quickly and easily: refreshing cocktails, hot fruit teas and shakes. The syrup can be ... Read more
Strawberry Syrup PET Bottle 330 ml
Flavorous PAPRICHI Cherry Syrup will help you create unforgettable, delicious and outstanding drinks for your whole family quickly and easily: refreshing cocktails, hot fruit teas and shakes. The syrup can be ... Read more
Cherry Syrup PET Bottle 330 ml

Dried fruits

Питахайя – необыкновенный фрукт. Первое упоминание о ней встречается у ацтеков и относится к 13 веку. Содержит белки, фосфор, кальций, железо, витамины. Сушеная питахайя произведена методом осмотической сушки, при ... Read more
DRIED Dragon Fruit Metallized package 100 gr
Манго – популярный фрукт во Вьетнаме с восхитительным вкусом. Содержит питательные вещества и витамины (А, группы В и С) полезные для организма. Сушеное Манго произведено методом осмотической сушки, при ... Read more
DRIED Mango Metallized package 100 gr
Папайя – фрукт с многочисленными полезными свойствами. Плоды папайи содержат полный набор витаминов и микроэлементов, а также белки, углеводы и клетчатку. Сушеная Папайя произведена методом осмотической сушки, при ... Read more
DRIED Papaya Metallized package 100 gr
Маракуйя – это поистине вкусный экзотический фрукт, ещё и полезный. Сушеная маракуйя произведена методом осмотической сушки, при низкой температуре с сахарным сиропом. При применении данного метода сохраняется ... Read more
DRIED Passion fruit Metallized package 100 gr

Exotic nectars

Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Личи Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Лонгана Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Маракуйя Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Манго Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Папайя Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Нектар Рамбутан Aluminum Can 250 ml
Экзотические напитки PAPRICHI утоляют жажду, помогают почувствовать море ярких оттенков необыкновенного вкуса и аромата тропических фруктов и, благодаря компактной, лёгкой и эргономичной упаковке, их удобно брать ... Read more
Кокосовая вода Aluminum Can 250 ml