The Expert in Asian Cuisine

Cooking sauces

The most popular Asian sauces which have gained popularity in the whole world are presented in the section. A pack of ready-to-use sauce is rated for 4 portions. The sauces allow cooking restaurant-grade exotic dishes in just a few minutes. The recipes of the sauces are made in compliance with traditions of Japanese, Chinese and Thai cuisines and comprise pure fruit ... 

The most popular Asian sauces which have gained popularity in the whole world are presented in the section. A pack of ready-to-use sauce is rated for 4 portions. The sauces allow cooking restaurant-grade exotic dishes in just a few minutes. The recipes of the sauces are made in compliance with traditions of Japanese, Chinese and Thai cuisines and comprise pure fruit, vegetables and spices.
Teriyaki is a Japanese dressing sauce which is made based on soy sauce with some pineapple, fresh ginger, garlic and other spices. Meat, seafood, vegetables and even fruit can be marinated in this sauce and ... Read more
Teriyaki sauce Package 120 gr.
Yakitori is a traditional Japanese sauce for chicken dishes. The same word “Yakitori” (translated as “fried chicken”) is used to denote both the cooking methods and dishes made using it. Meat is ... Read more
Yakitori sauce Package 120 gr.
Sweet & Sour Sauce is perfect for fast recipes with poultry and meat. Mild spiciness with distinct fruit savors in combination with tender fried meat creates a unique flavor composition. The sauce allows ... Read more
Sweet & Sour Sauce Package 120 gr.
Curry Sauce is one of the most famous oriental sauces and an indispensable component of curry which is, perhaps, the most popular Indian dish. But for admirers of Indian cuisine curry is a whole palette of ... Read more
Curry Sauce Package 120 gr.
Black Pepper Sauce is one of the most popular Chinese sauces. Oyster extract forms the core of its flavor profile. This sauce is very good for cooking bacon and beef. This sauce can be added when cooking chicken ... Read more
Black Pepper Sauce Package 120 gr.
Традиционный японский соус для одноимённого блюда – свиной котлете Тонкацу. Также нашёл широкое применение в кухне fusion food. Богатый вкус  и аромат, пряности специй и трав в сочетании с фруктовой ... Read more
Тонкацу соус для макания Glass bottle 350 g
Кимчи – самый популярный соус Корейской кухни. Это уникальная по своим качествам приправа - баланс остроты и пикантности придёт готовым блюдам аутентичный Азиатский вкус и делает привычный рацион разнообразным ... Read more
Кимчи соус для маринования и макания Metallized package 310 gr.
Соус на основе соевого соуса, обогащенный смесью приправ и специй. Блюда, приготовленные с соусом Sen Soy «Для рыбы и морепродуктов» имеют приятный по вкусу и аромату деликатный карамелизированный слой, придающий ... Read more
Соус для рыбы и морепродуктов Metallized package 120 gr.
Hoisin sauce is one of the most refined Asian sauces for meat. It is especially popular in Thailand, Korea and China. The combination of soy sauce, flower honey, garlic and ginger make meat inimitably tender and ... Read more
Hoisin Sauce Package 120 gr.
Соус KOREAN BBQ от SEN SOY PREMIUM – корейский острый соус для приготовления. Чаще всего его используют в качестве маринада-пасты к мясу, курице или овощам. Острый, жгуче-пряный на вкус, соус ... Read more
Korean BBQ Metallized package 120 gr.